Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 5: Minnesota to Teddy Roosevelt National Park, ND

Driving through North Dakota
[Pardon the lack of posts lately... We've been without Internet access for several days.  We'll try to catch up soon!]
Painted Canyon
Cottonwood Campground, TRNP
An easy 9-hour drive westbound on I-94 through North Dakota brought us to the Painted Canyon Visitor Center, a prelude to Teddy Roosevelt National Park (TRNP).  There we were treated to a gorgeous panorama of bluffs with multi-colored striations. The landscape resembled the Badlands of South Dakota, only with a much more "lush" feel.  There were lots of green areas- including sagebrush- dispersed between the rock formations.  Being 4:00p.m., we swiftly moved on to the gates of TRNP in order to secure a spot at the park's first come, first served Cottonwood Campground.  We shared this area with about thirty other camping families.  A short-but-thorny jaunt through some weeds brought campers to the Little Missouri River... the perfect swimming hole!  The water had a strong current, but was extremely shallow.  So a swimmer could lay on his/her back and be pulled along a la a "lazy river" attraction. Nick and Greg caught several frogs and kept them in a make-shift pen.  Of course they under-estimated the leaping power of these amphibians, so these critters were escaping quicker than they could be caught!  The frog population surely breathed a sigh of relief when we returned to our site for a meal of steaks, twice-baked potatoes, and asparagus on the grill.  In the absence of hook-ups, we had to limit our power/water consumption, so quick showers to rinse off the river scum were all we had time for.  The boys insisted upon sleeping in a tent instead of the r.v., and we all enjoyed the comfortable sleeping temperatures (perhaps 60 degrees) that the night offered.

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